Back on the Ship |

Lesley in camera test while reading!

Sara and James get frisky.

James kissing Sara? Again?

Larry and Bonney

James, Courtney, and Cristi

The Gang's all here
The Wheelhouse Restaurant |

Barbara, Bobby, Johnny, and Debbie
The Cabin |

James prepares for dinner
In the Horizon Dining Room |

Pat bribing Ruben

Silvia and Sara do the Macarena

The Macarena line

Bobby ADAIR, Johnny ADAIR, and Debbie ADAIR

Olga, Barbara, and Bobby looking for the chicken fried steak on the menu

Bobby, Johnny, and Debbie

Cristi, Ruben, Pat, and Kathy

Kathy, Larry, and Sara

Bonney's buddies, the waiters...Philip and Ruben

Lesley, Silvia, James, and Bonney

Pat's still doing the Macarena with the waiters

Olga and Sara join them

Courtney and James
The Talent Show in the Astoria Lounge |

Johnny sings "Last Kiss"

Johnny sings "Last Kiss"

Sara sings "Honor to Serve" by Ray Bolz

Sara sings "Honor to Serve" by Ray Bolz

Singers' groupies James, Barbara, and Bobby

Singers' groupies Kathy and Larry

Singers' groupies James, Barbara, Bobby, Silvia (front), and Pat