Thursday, September 20, 2007
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
The beautiful Cayman Islands. |
We arrived at Grand Cayman Island at 7:00 the next morning. Our adventure for the day not starting until 10:00 AM,
we were able to sleep in. This time it was the Seven Mile Beach Break..." Feel your cares melt away under the
Caribbean sun at Grand Cayman's newest beach destination, Sea Grape Beach."
Seven Mile beach. |
At Grand Cayman, the ship had to anchor nearby and we took tenders (think of them as water taxis) to the smaller
docks. From there our bus shuttled James, Silvia, Lesley, and I a few miles down the beach for our day of fun in the
sun, sand, and sparkling clear sea. It was nice being in the perfect temperature water and getting some exercise
swimming, that wasn't nearly as strenuous as hiking up mountains in the mud! Man, I love warm water!
Unfortunately, even with sunblock on, I added to my sunburned redness. Pale face Lesley was slathered in 65 SPF
sunblock, but still managed to get the most amazing, severe, red striped sunburn. Of course, this wasn't discovered
until later that evening.
Silvia. |
James. |
Lesley. |
Bonney. |
Sometime before our day in Jamaica, Silvia and Debbie had an occasion to discuss beaches
and sand, and the conversation veered to discovering sand in their "no-no" places.
Seven Mile Beach was definitely a place to catch this malady. And Lesley claims she found
little globs of seaweed in her shower later that evening.
Lesley, waiting in line to return to the ship. |
Our expert shopping team, this day composed of the Adair quartet, Olga, and Randy, explored
all the pristine shops along the waterfront. With their bulging bags, it appears they
discovered several treasures. Bobby enjoyed the added bonus of visiting the Harley Davidson
store after he and the others investigated Margaritaville. Jimmy Buffet must really be rich.
It seems there's a Margaritabille on almost any island of interest.
Did anyone see pirates?. |
Johnny, Debbie, and Randy. It only took me a week to figure out this sculpture is stingrays!
Debbie and Johnny. |
Olga. |
Olga finds a new friend. |
Bobby's favorite store...Harley Davidson. |
Are we done shopping yet? |
Love me tender.... |
Far, far away. |
Up close and personal. |
Rich and Patsy went to....Hell! I don't know if there was a hand basket around or not.
Which way do we go? |
Stingrays are soooooo cool!
Hey, whada ya say? Let's go play with some people. |
Here's how you do it. |
Fan-tas-tic! |
Free range chicken. Cluck cluck. |
After everyone had tendered back to the Conquest, our ship departed at 4:00 PM.
Again we had time to rest before our second formal dinner. You know, It's fun to dress up once in a while,
just to stay in practice. It kinda makes you feel like a better you!
James and Silvia. |
Randy and Olga. |
Lesley, Bonney, and Randy. |
Bonney and Lesley. |
Debbie and Johnny. |
Rich and Patsy. |
Debbie and Johnny. |
James and Silvia. |
Our nightly entertainment. |
Our group posed for professional photo at our dinner table. Then Patsy and Rich checked in with the pros.
Let's leave it to the professionals. |
After dinner, several of us went to a dance floor to listen to an entertainer. We were all singing along with
the 60s and 70s music and Rich and Patsy danced a few times. Then Patsy, Olga, and I were all dancing with
Rich for the Twist. Always the gentleman, Rich asked me for a dance, also. It was fun, but we all
eventually hurried off to play a game of bingo that had a large jackpot. You'd have heard big by now if
anyone had won it. Lesley and I went to our room, but some of the others stayed for the entertainment
following the game.
Shall we dance? |
One of Patsy's long-time hobbies has been photographing flowers. Since she did this at all ports,
I've compiled them here.