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  • Brandi

    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith When you first have a baby girl, there is no concept about how fast that new person in your life will grow up.
    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith Before you know it, she's graduated from high school and gone off to college. And you can't wait until she completes her education and returns home.
    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith But as often is the case, she finds a job in another city, and much worse, in another state.
    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith This limits the frequency of visits, but as a mom you feel reassured that she has found a permanent, full time, good paying job that she loves. My beautiful 30+ year-old daughter lives in California where she is an MTV staff member working as a Production Manager.
    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith Brandi loves trucks and still drives the 1997 Ford pickup she got after high school.
    Most recently, Brandi has adopted a miniature poodle. Yes, Seeley Booth is my Grandpuppy. He goes to doggy daycare where they took a picture for his first birthday.
    Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith Brandi Griffith
    I haven't yet given up on some day having a human Grand Angel.


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