Vacation Sagas

12 Nights Scandinavia & Russia Cruise
Roundtrip Harwich on Royal Caribbean's
Jewel of the Seas
June 11, 2011

Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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If elephants could fly I'd be a little more optimistic
I don't mean to sound so pessimistic
But I don't think that cow really jumped over the moon

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Sunday, June 12, 2011 Day 2 of Cruise - At Sea

Each day started with breakfast or brunch in the Windjammer.

On this, our first day at sea, Lesley had made an appointment with the salon to get her hair cut and I signed up for an eye treatment, hand and foot massage. As you'll see in upcoming photos, the eye treatment was obviously unsuccessful. I was able to get a replacement for my $3.00 Aqua Net hair spray for a chic fee of $22.00. That's U.S.! All money on the ship was in U.S. dollars.

We explored the ship's décor on our way to losing our bingo games and donating some quarters in the casino. When we returned to our room, we noticed that we had, indeed, been reassigned to a late dining time and new table.

Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise
Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise

I loved the décor, especially the elephants.

Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise

At some point Lesley heard the call of the casino again and took advantage of their "open" time while we were at sea. When she came back to the room with a smile on her face, she announced she had won $300.00 on the quarter slots. People I cruise with win money! Wish it would rub off on me.

Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise

Dinner was the first dress up night (or not being so casual, formal night), so at least we were given the opportunity to make a good first impression to our new dining companions. They had all met the evening before while we were still on the early dining schedule. But they welcomed us and we gradually got to know them.

Here are our dinner companions: Jan and Mike from England, Rose and Bob from New Jersey, and sisters Julie and Laura from Masachusetts.

Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise

On our way to the dining room, we stopped at one of the many portrait "opportunities" and had our photos taken on the stairway. The first photo op as we boarded the ship had laughable results.

Scandinavian Cruise
Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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