Vacation Sagas

12 Nights Scandinavia & Russia Cruise
Roundtrip Harwich on Royal Caribbean's
Jewel of the Seas
June 11, 2011

Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Day 12 of Cruise - At Sea

Scandinavian Cruise

For our last day at sea, Lesley and I were mostly in recovery mode. She was still having upset stomach issues from her bad meal in Russia. I was barely moving because of back issues and tired from over medicating for it.

Since I'm sure I'll be going on another Royal Caribbean cruise in the near future, I decided to make a booking onboard. By making a payment of $100.00 I got a certificate that entitles me to an onboard credit between $25.00 and $200.00 depending on the length of the next cruise that I choose. And the $100.00 I paid will go toward my deposit when I make my reservation. To make it even better, I didn't have to designate the next cruise date at this time, so I can pick one after talking with family and friends.

The ship's crew decided to offer a last minute BBQ lunch poolside. But it was so windy those in line had to really hang onto their plates. We went through the line where I got ribs and accompaniments and Lesley had a hamburger then we went into the Windjammer. But, since it was rather cool and blustery, most of the seating was full. This forced us to find a table in a covered area outside. It seemed it was so cold Lesley's coffee was shivering. If this video is small, you might have trouble seeing the trembling of the cup.

If you want to feel important, just go on a cruise where the people assigned to make your trip wonderful, call you by name, remember what you like to drink, and take care of your every request.

Scandinavian Cruise Scandinavian Cruise
Scandinavian Cruise

I think they planned the casual dinner for this night because everyone onboard was running out of clean clothes.

On this final evening of our cruise, everyone was supposed to set their packed suitcases out in the hallway before midnight so they could be unloaded early and be available when we disembarked the ship. As always, we needed to remember to save out something to wear off the ship in the morning.

Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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