Vacation Sagas

12 Nights Scandinavia & Russia Cruise
Roundtrip Harwich on Royal Caribbean's
Jewel of the Seas
June 11, 2011

Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011 Day 4 of Cruise - At Sea

Breakfast for At Sea days was usually more like brunch or even lunch.

Scandinavian Cruise

I attempted to play bridge in the afternoon with some duplicate players, but arrived too late to have a partner. It's just as well because I haven't played bridge since my lunchtime working days ten years ago. And I've only tried duplicate a couple of times, preferring party bridge that is more tolerant of my playing skills.

Lesley and I made another unsuccessful bingo win attempt.

We read a lot.

Then we just putted around and got ready for our early dinner.

Scandinavian Cruise

This was the night Lesley and I signed up for the Mystery Dinner in the Portofino Restaurant (read that, pay extra to eat here) that started at 6:20 PM.

Scandinavian Cruise

Unfortunately for me, it was the same murder skit as the only other Mystery Dinner I attended on another cruise with Katie. Different ship. Different sea. Different year. Even worse, I couldn't remember WHO DUNNIT!

Picked the wrong villain…again. I actually think they have the option for several different endings. Lesley was frustrated because the villain choice and the reason for the murder weren't logical. She fussed about that for a couple of days.

Scandinavian Cruise

While each group at the dinner table discussed the murder, we had an excellent meal. My beef filet was delicious and the food was "pretty". We had a lot of fun.

Being this far north and near the summer solstice, the sun was up until 10:00PM and sunrise was just a few hours later. It's difficult to sleep when it's still light outside most of the night, but we gave it our best shot.

Pre-Cruise Harwich, England At Sea Copenhagen, Denmark At Sea Stockholm, Sweden Helsinki, Finland
St. Petersburg, Russia Tallinn, Estonia At Sea Gothenburg, Sweden At Sea London, England Post-Cruise

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